
When a new and particular object appears in our field of vision, we quickly rotate our eyes to focus its image on the most sensitive region of our retina: the fovea. We want to “observe” that object well, see its colors and its contours, understand what it is, know if it can represent a danger for us or be an advantage. A toy, food or a companion with us to exchange words. A parent of ours, a friend.

Other animals, mammals or other vertebrates such as fish, or invertebrates such as insects, such as a bee or a midge, also observe the objects around them, turning just as quickly as we do to observe those that have attracted their attention. The speed at which the bee quickly rotates its body to look at an object is similar to that with which our eyes turn to look at something. There is a similarity in this simple behavior, although their nervous system is macroscopically different from ours.

This and other behaviors have similarities in their basic psychophysiological mechanisms in the various organisms, although they present a different and clear complexity in the variety of responses that a mammal or a human individual can give compared to an insect.

The nervous systems of the various organisms, however macroscopically different, are always made up of circuits of neurons connected by chemical synapses that substantially release the same neurotransmitters.

We therefore wonder if it is not possible that in the course of evolution particular nervous circuits have developed to regulate the basic step mechanisms of the behaviors present in different organisms, regardless of the macrosocpic structure of the nervous systems of which they are part. The greater complexity and variety of behavioral responses observed in the most complex nervous systems could then be the consequence of a redundancy of these basic circuits